7 Gründe, warum Sex mit kleinem Penis geil sein kann

By Benno von Sandhayn
Estimated reading time: 4 minutes
7 Gründe, warum Sex mit kleinem Penis geil sein kann
7 Gründe, warum Sex mit kleinem Penis geil sein kann


Small but nice – that’s why sex with a small penis is horny

Sex with small penis - Eronite erotic magazineA smaller penis can also have advantages. But admittedly, a big penis feels insanely good, precisely because you feel it without any problems! But for the size of his best piece, a guy really can’t do anything. Nevertheless, a woman should never be frustrated when she finally has the desired candidate on the hook or in her bed and finds out that his penis does not exceed a certain size. Sex with a small penis can be really cool!

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1. small penis – it’s the position that counts
Sex with a small penis is really nice when you can feel your partner well. This is best achieved by allowing the penis to penetrate deeply. For example, the missionary position can be very exciting emotionally if you put a pillow under your partner’s bottom. This creates an angle at which the penis feels wonderfully deep. Ideally, you should look for a position in which either your partner’s pelvis is tilted accordingly or you can help to reach this angle.

Sex with small penis needs more rhythm

It is not for nothing that people say that men who can dance well are also better in bed. This is where the passion, the rhythm with which the woman is penetrated comes in.

2. small penis – big effect
A small penis has a big effect especially if the guy can handle it properly. So it is not only the size and the angle that determines emotionally intense sex, but also how the man moves, whether he has a feeling of rhythm. Sex with a small penis becomes even more intense. With a small penis and a little sense of rhythm, a man can arouse unexpected feelings…

3. small penis – high “beat rate
And of course the strength that comes from the loins of the man should not be underestimated. Sex with a small penis can be much more powerful than sex with a man with a large penis without hurting his sexual partner. For example, the cervix can be bumped, which can lead to pain. This is not the case with sex with a small penis.

4. small penis – healthy sex
Yeah, it sounds less erotic. But in fact, sex with a small penis also brings fewer health risks. If you have a thin mucous membrane, you probably know it: Especially the doggy-style feels really good only with a few really heavy bumps. Whoever is sensitive now starts to bleed and does not stop bleeding for a while. This usually does not happen during sex with a small penis.

Sometimes “smaller” is just easier

Big penises are often seen in porn movies, but the reality is usually different. You only have to let your eyes wander once in the communal shower of a swimming pool or fitness club.

5. small penis – green light for anal fun
Sex with a small penis is enriching on so many levels. Because where a large penis is difficult to access, a small one has it all the easier. So if anal sex has been too “dangerous” for you so far, you should consider whether it would not be tempting to feel all the nerves of the anus with a small penis.

6. small penis – long fun
Of course, it also depends on the vagina, how well the small penis fits the respective woman. However, since the friction is also quite different, a man with a smaller penis can prolong the lovemaking process. So the sex partner has no stress at all. Another argument for horny sex with small penis!

7. small penis – easier to pamper
Ladies, hand on heart: To take a big penis in the mouth can be quite exhausting and a deep throat is out of the question. Oral sex with a small penis on the other hand is much easier!

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