Strict dominatrix punishes on the phone – even you!

By Miss Trix
Estimated reading time: 4 minutes
Strict dominatrix punishes on the phone - even you!
Strict dominatrix punishes on the phone - even you!

Call them, slave!

Many men are attracted to strong women. They like it when the woman takes the initiative and they have to follow her orders. In eroticism, such women are called domina (mistress). Many you can meet live, but some dominatrix also punishes on the phone.

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Domina punishes on the phone – one call is enough

A beautiful woman, tall and muscular, dressed in overknees and a leather corsage with a whip or handcuffs in hand: this is what many men dream of. Even the mere idea of a dominatrix excites her. They are ready to do almost anything to obey the orders of their mistress. But what if the mistress is very far away? No problem, a real dominatrix also punishes on the phone. The erotic attraction and power of a dominatrix over her slave is not so much based on her external appearance, but on her personality.

Directly to Miss Trix

The dominatrix therefore punishes her slave on the phone just as well as if he would stand in front of her. She achieves this through the commanding, imperious sound of her voice and the strict instructions she gives to her slave. Dominas are experienced women who are well acquainted with the mentality of the men who serve her. She knows exactly if her slave is obedient or if he does not carry out an order to test his mistress. A good dominatrix punishes on the phone, even without the need for physical contact.

Domina punishes on the phone – anytime and anywhere

The good thing about phone sex is that it is easy and convenient. After all, you only need a cell phone and an undisturbed corner to have a horny experience! There are many portals with numbers of girls who are ready for hot phone sex at any time. Among them, of course, one or the other dominatrix.

Strict dominatrix punished on the phone

Each setcard usually includes several photos, so that the slave has an idea of what his mistress looks like. This way, he can choose the woman who pleases him the most and excites him the most.

The dominatrix punished on the phone – how does it work?!

It’s not that hard. Dominas have good knowledge of human nature and can listen well. First, she will give her slave a task. He must report to her exactly what he is doing and whether or not he is doing his job. Already by the sound of his voice the mistress recognizes whether he speaks the truth or lies to her.

Directly to Miss Trix

The dominatrix punishes on the phone if her slave is disobedient, does not carry out her order, conceals something from her or even tells lies. For example, for punishment he is not allowed to cum or he has to beat himself with a whip. Every real slave feels the highest pleasure when he is allowed to serve his mistress and she is strict with him and also punishes him.

Domina punishes on the phone – her slave enjoys it

That is what the relationship between mistress and slave is all about in the first place. She is the strict, strong woman and he submits and allows himself to be humiliated. A real mistress punishes just as well on the phone as in physical closeness, because she uses his most important sex organ for his punishment: the head.

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She is able to impose her will on her slave through the phone alone, humiliating and punishing him without having to touch him. Her slave enjoys this strict treatment by his mistress to the fullest. Quite a few men call “their” mistress again and again and build a close relationship over time.

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