Sex with dogs demanded: Pervert assaults mistress

By Faizel Ahman
Estimated reading time: 3 minutes
Sex with dogs demanded: Pervert assaults mistress
Sex with dogs demanded: Pervert assaults mistress

First dog excrement – then sexual intercourse

A series of creepy encounters while walking the dog has caused excitement and horror in recent days. Three women were attacked by a man who apparently wanted to force sexual acts with their dogs. In his last attack, the man even fired a shot before disappearing. Now police have arrested a suspect in Frankfurt. The 23-year-old man is believed to be responsible for at least three assaults. Investigators are currently looking into whether there are any other victims.

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The man wanted sex with dogs

The first case occurred last Thursday morning around 8:30. A 63-year-old woman was threatened by a man at a field in the Cleeberg district of the municipality of Langgöns, about an hour’s drive north of Frankfurt. The man was wearing a hoodie pulled up to his nose and forced the woman to “hold her dog for sodomite acts,” according to the first police report on the series. Although the woman briefly complied with the demand, she was eventually able to turn the man away. The attacker still asked for dog excrement before he disappeared.

Sex with dogs demanded: Pervert assaults mistress

A few hours later, at around 11:40 a.m., the second incident occurred in the Dauernheim district of the municipality of Ranstadt, about three quarters of an hour away from the first crime scene. The man approached a 59-year-old woman and asked her if he could perform sexual acts on her dog. The woman yelled at him and phoned for help, whereupon the man ran off in the direction of the highway.

Dogs and mistresses probably traumatized

The last incident so far took place one day later, again in the Cleeberg district. The man took out a gun and forced a dog owner to perform sexual acts with her dog. The woman refused and ran away, whereupon the attacker fired a shot and then disappeared.

A perverted dog lady?

According to a police spokeswoman on Tuesday, investigators were able to arrest the alleged perpetrator, a 23-year-old man from Frankfurt, after an extensive manhunt. During a search of the apartment, a firearm with ammunition was found. Investigators believe he is responsible for all three offenses.

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However, there is also the question of whether the 23-year-old may have committed other robberies. “Following an appeal for witnesses, more people have come forward. The investigation is ongoing,” said the police spokeswoman. The victims of the assaults are probably traumatized and must now try to come to terms with what they have experienced. The incident showed that even walking your beloved pet is no longer safe and that police must act quickly in such cases to apprehend the perpetrators.

Source: t-online

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