Porn Lexicon: What is Interracial Sex?

By Dr. Dorothea Flogger
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Porn Lexicon: What is Interracial Sex?
Porn Lexicon: What is Interracial Sex?

Interracial Sex – Bedtime Stories in Black and White

Exotic women and men are sought after flirt and sex partners

If you like watching porn (what man doesn’t do that at least from time to time?), you will inevitably come across the term interracial sex when browsing the categories. The term comes from the English language because the Yanks are the world leaders in the production of porn.

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What is Interracial Sex?

Interracial Sex mit Josy Black | Eronite.comThis refers to sex between people of different races. Many English-language websites use automatic translation to translate the original text into German. In this context, interracial sex is often mistranslated as “between the races”. This is because “race” in English can mean both race and race, depending on the context. Interracial would probably be best translated as mixed-race. However, this term has a funny connotation and never really caught on.

Black on white – interracial sex is a horny experience

Despite the age of globalization, most people today still have contact predominantly with people from their own cultural sphere. This is especially true in the areas of love and sex. A partner with a different skin color or ethnic background exerts the allure of the exotic that makes interracial sex so exciting and interesting.

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For example, many men dream of having sex with a black woman one day. Black women, as well as Latinas, are known for their voluptuous curves, expansive hips, plump butts and full lips.

The whole coupled with a hot-blooded temperament exerts a charm that few men can resist. Something similar is also true for Asian women. For interracial sex, many men fly to Thailand, for example.

Women like interracial sex too!

Let’s face it, many European men are pussycats who are used to being responsive and considerate of women’s needs, just like a typical gentleman or cavalier. From time to time, however, women also like it when things get a bit rougher and more passionate.

That is why Latinos or Africans are very popular as lovers. They are so very different from German men, which makes interracial sex so interesting. Many Latinos are passionate, but at the same time macho. With them, a woman feels desired and challenged at the same time.

Typical African men, on the other hand, are powerhouses. They are said to have stamina and passion during sex. Qualities that women often miss in other partners.

Interracial sex – through the ages

German history is quite clear when it comes to interracial sex: from racial defilement to the Holocaust, almost everything that could be brought up in a negative way has been historically brought up here.

Sexual freedom in good old germany!

But change soon came. With the Allies came them, the foreign-looking soldiers who encountered German, sexually starved women. Many German men had remained in the war, in captivity or were only a shadow of their former selves, so many women longed for a real man. Not only did the occupying forces bring other languages, but all skin colors and religions were represented. A veritable smorgasbord of differences permeated the country and also the beds.

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What was considered immoral in the U.S. – the supposed land of opportunity – was suddenly possible in Germany: German, white woman with American, dark-skinned man. Not always welcome, perhaps, but still tolerated. Not infrequently, there were connections for life and offspring here. Many a woman would otherwise have been deprived of one or the other lustful hour if she had not spread her legs full of lust and given herself and the foreign man an erotic adventure.

Sex for world peace

Today, this time seems long gone and interracial sex meets us everywhere, not only when it comes to porn or otherwise. The desire for the foreign is omnipresent. Which woman has not wondered whether a dark-skinned man would not have more in his pants than a light-skinned man?

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Or, whether Latinos aren’t better, more enduring lovers. Hardly anything is so filled with clichés as interracial sex. And that’s a good thing, too, because it not only builds up desire, but also helps counteract prejudice. If people had more sex with people of other cultures, ethnicities and civilizations, there would be significantly fewer crises and wars in this world.

Fucks more, then there is significantly less stress in this world! A peace commandment that, strangely enough, no politician praises, not even those who deal with integration.

Desire for new

A different skin color is nothing to reduce a person to, but definitely something that may cause tingles in the abdomen. Men and women hardly differ in this respect. Both sexes find it attractive when your sex partner is of a different background.

Not least for this reason, many like to get involved in a horny, amusing adventure on vacation and fuck what the stuff holds. Far away from cheap sex tourism, but rather on a voyage of discovery to the limits of their own pleasure and beyond, with the pinch of exoticism that the respective country and the partner give.

Sex tourism – rediscovered

Have sex on vacation, an extremely tingling idea. What’s more, you can practically choose the country and the people who belong to it. Booked in a flash, everyone finds a willing sex partner. No matter where in this world. And can thus embark on completely new terrain, without obligations, silly questions or the like – or even with the option of a permanent partnership. It doesn’t have to be low-level sex tourism, which is less about exotic adventures and more about cheap sex, but about sex that is fun for both sides.

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Not everyone may have understanding for such a view, especially when a woman is looking for sex on vacation, because societies are still characterized by sometimes very old-fashioned and outdated values. In the search for their own pleasure, for horny interracial sex, these, usually very entrenched and lust-eliminating views have no room.

The world needs contrasts

Whether black, whether white, whether large, whether small, the world is only through contrasts colorful and here each person should be allowed to be as he is now once. Every difference should be lived and loved, always searching and with the desire for new discoveries. This way, you can not only diversify your love life, but also discover new things again and again.

Interracial sex not only sharpens the senses but is much more. The desire for new, unconstrained sex, against traditional conventions and also a bit of exoticism for the eroticism may not be missing, of course. This makes the world more colorful and also your own way of thinking. There is so much more than black and white. The nuances are the key, because that makes it not only pleasurable, but also extremely amusing.

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In addition, it is also very visually appealing when differences of both partners can be seen. Thus, differences suddenly become similarities, united by good sex, which may or may not become more. Depending on how both sex partners would like it: fizzle out or continue down the path together. Here, too, all contrasts and gradations are possible. An “only this is right” does not exist and would be completely wrong here – interracial sex, the contrast par excellence.

Macho or no macho

Why an or? With interracial sex you can have both because everything is at your disposal. You don’t limit yourself with views like “I only sleep with blonde haired people”. With such thoughts, you only limit yourself and settle for a minimum, even though you could have a maximum.

Women like macho men, but living with them is often difficult. Machos would like to be allowed to be macho and spoil a woman, but often shy away from everyday life. Therefore, lust and passion can be lived out wildly here – for a short or longer time – and who knows, maybe one day you will know which side you like better, the macho or the other. In any case, this path is always worth a journey of discovery, interracial sex guaranteed.

Wild mare or cricket on the stove

Here, too, men often embark on a journey, through one bed or another. Wild, exotic sex that is far from everyday gray and dreariness, but perhaps makes you want significantly more. Whether it’s an uninhibited, occasional affair, one-night-stands or permanent relationships, everything can, nothing has to, but a lot may, as long as it pleases both sides. Again, there doesn’t have to be an “or”. No taboo if you don’t pull your own.

Interracial sex is so much more than just black people fucking white people. The discovery of otherness with simultaneous discovery of similarities, coupled with exotic pleasure, foreign cultures, various sex practices or anything else that is fun.

Not only as an adventure an absolute enrichment, but also for relationships and marriages a real possibility. From interracial sex directly to the altar, if both want this and give the exoticism in your life a permanent, horny space.

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