Christmas 2022 – And a fat plus of accesses

By Mario Meyer
Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

Christmas is coming – also on Christmas Eve

“Every Sunday, the memory comes…” – Oh no, that was a different song. In any case, again and again on December 24, Christmas Eve makes its way into the living rooms of the (Christian) Occident. Now Christmas 2022 is just around the corner and with it the time of reflection, inner contemplation, joy, love and family.

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At Christmas 2022 we say THANK YOU again

We would like to take this opportunity again to thank our many readers. By the way: 32% of our readership is actually female! Thank you for your loyalty to read our erotic magazine regularly. And access numbers increased by a whopping 45 percent with the Google update in May 2022. Good content prevails in the long run. We now publish over 750 articles per year, that’s more than two articles a day from the world of erotica – for you!

Christmas 2022 - And a fat plus of accesses

We have further populated the erotic encyclopedia and now have almost 500 entries in the encyclopedia of sexuality and perversion, with which the inclined reader can quench his thirst for knowledge. But also for the future is taken care of: furthermore every second day a new encyclopedia entry goes online, we were diligent and worked forward until June – mind you until June 2025 (!).

With the free porn download tool (“Porn Downloader”), we presented a tool that makes it possible to expand one’s sex movie collection and download movies from the Internet. Anyone who would like to try it out is cordially invited to do so.

When industry dinosaurs go to the eternal hunting grounds

A good business partner, the Austrian company Partnercash from the vicinity of Vienna, is now completely pulling the plug and will cease operations completely on December 31, 2022 – after 23 years in the industry (in the world of the Internet, this is an almost biblical age). The dinosaur among affiliate programs has always been a reliable partner for us. Here our thanks go to the three Pass brothers.

We have further expanded our erotic stories section and will do so more in the future, as we have analyzed that these pages have the highest growth rates, i.e. enjoy increasing popularity. We don’t want to deprive anyone of this and will therefore provide two new erotic authors (that’s right, two women) with orders from January to write more sex stories for our erotic blog.

Even more employees for even more quality.

We also welcomed three new employees this year (two of them freelancers): Nora Feldmayer in the back office as well as dominatrix Miss Trix (she tells us funny stories from her everyday work in her dominatrix diary) and author Marco Dorada. Welcome, we are very happy about the support to deliver our erotic magazine in even better quality to our readers.

Christmas 2022

At this point, however, we would also like to thank Carol Leigh, Julius F. Kedvessy, Toni Saretzki, Phil Harvey, Cynthia Heimel, Klaus Pfeufer, Werner Susemichel, Jane Homlish, Gabriele Galetta, Jack Hammer, Jessica Jaymes, Candy Samples, Riley Evans, Richard Basciano, Max Schutler, Big George, Robert Kerman, Olivia Nova, Cara Lott, Mario P. Hoy, J.P. Love, Sexy Cora, Cologne Claudi, Slave Witchy, Hugh Hefner, Larry Flynt and Dave Cummings not forgotten who passed away this year or in the years before. Rest in peace.

Donations to those who can use it well

This year, as in the last decade, we are again foregoing gifts to business partners. You don’t need more advertising material piling up in the offices or going into the trash cans.

Instead, we donate a certain amount to a charity. So, just like last year, we decided to support the Verband binationaler Familien und Partnerschaften e.V. with a monetary donation. This association advises and supports fathers or mothers in cases of child abduction by the other parent, among other things.

We wish you a Merry Christmas 2022 and a happy holiday season with your loved ones!

Your team around Editor-in-Chief Mario Meyer as well as Jasmin Berger, Benno von Sandhayn, Julia Moreno, Carlos Galvez Otoño, Dr. Dorothea Flogger, Jens Haberlein, Laura Buschmann, Valérie Francès-Pecker, Stephan Gubenbauer, Miss Trix, Marco Dorada, Naomi Feldmayer (Backoffice) and last but not least Faizel Ahman

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