Anni Preuß and the women’s quota in the comedy scene

By Stephan Gubenbauer
Estimated reading time: 4 minutes
Anni Preuß and the women's quota in the comedy scene
Anni Preuß and the women's quota in the comedy scene

More and more female comedians board the stage

Now it gets funny with us, because the following article is about comedy. Not just about any slapstick, but specifically about that of female comedians. The industry, like so many, is still dominated by men. Stand-up comedians like Anni Preuß want to change that and never tire of going on stage loudly to do so.

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Yes and Next” Becomes “Yes and Women

The idea comes from Munich. Comedians regularly take the stage at the “Holzkranich” bar in Schwabing. Now an event has been launched there under the motto “Ja und Weiber” (Yes and Women), in which exclusively female comedians take the stage. Among them also the likeable blonde Anni Preuß.

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The German teacher has an excellent way with words, which serves her well on stage. It’s talented girls like Anni Preuß who are pleasantly raising the female quota in the comedy scene.

Amusing insinuations

When it comes to witty, raunchy topics, female comedians like Anni Preuß are in no way inferior to their male colleagues. On the contrary. Because as a woman, you can chat out of the sewing box in a completely different way here. For example, about the universally unpopular Dick Pics. Almost every woman has had some, hardly any really want to get some. So why not make fun of something like that in front of an audience? There is hardly a better way to get back at the senders of these smut photos. These and other salacious realities are delivered by the comedians so that every woman in the audience nods knowingly. Only to have to laugh out loud in the next moment because of the juicy punchline.

Anni Preuß and the women's quota in the comedy scene

Or when people laugh out loud about the gay King Fritz of Prussia. (Anni.) Prussian and Prussian fit equally well there.

The concept is well received

One gets the feeling that the audience’s laughter sounds somehow brighter than usual. No wonder, really, since the proportion of women at a “Ja und Weiber” evening is also higher than usual. In any case, the audience present celebrates the comedians of the evening and their programs.

German erotic comedy

Hopefully, word of this concept will spread and more locations will follow the example of the “Holzkranich”. Still many female beginners in the stand-up comedy industry do not dare to perform in front of an audience. An evening where only women perform could remedy the situation. After all, one feels most comfortable among like-minded people. Especially when the young female artists can meet and exchange ideas with each other in advance at such an event.

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In this way, tips can be passed on and nervousness can be reduced. The girls become calmer, which has a positive effect on their performance. The audience also has a benefit from this, namely more fun. And people who have fun come back. The operator of the “Holzkranich” also knows this.

Do we need a women’s quota in the comedy scene?

Of course, it’s nice when more women dare to take the stage. The erotic comedy industry would automatically have more variety and some topics are certainly even funnier from a female point of view than from a male point of view.
But is there really a need for regulation? Wouldn’t it be a shame if talented comedians had gigs canceled just because the allotment of male guests had already been exhausted?

The audience should decide. Comedians who make us laugh are rewarded with appropriate applause and are welcome to perform again. No matter if male or female.

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