Crying after sex: why do women do it?

By Dr. Dorothea Flogger
Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

When the tears run…

Some women cry after sex, some even start crying during sex. Why do these women do this? In the case of normal lovemaking without the use of violence, this is a more than legitimate question. Self-doubt quickly sets in for the man. Is she disappointed because she didn’t have an orgasm? However, the fact that women cry after sex only has something to do with their partner to a limited extent. Time to take a closer look.

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Women’s cliché: Crying after sex, typical of women?

Some women are simply built closer to the water than others. Tears are correspondingly frequent. A woman who starts crying does not necessarily have to feel pain or feel unfairly treated. The emotional world of women consists of constant ups and downs. It is not without good reason that people talk about a rollercoaster of emotions. Depending on the current emotional situation, it can happen that the woman seems to spontaneously start crying. Especially after sex, emotions are boiling and have been really mixed up by your partner. A few tears of joy at what you have just experienced are definitely possible.

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It is a cliché that only women cry. Rather, it seems that boys are trained to show their emotions from an early age. An ability that is rarely or never used naturally disappears over time. As a result, men generally appear tougher than women, which of course is not always true.

Crying after sex as confirmation

Crying after sex: why do women do it?
Why do some women cry after sex?

Anyone who manages to put their partner in a state of absolute ecstasy during sex can be proud of themselves. The hormonal rollercoaster, the most beautiful feelings, coupled with the physical exertion results in a sexy cocktail that can be addictive. It’s not for nothing that you can switch off during sex and lose control in the most pleasant way.

So why not give up your control over your emotions and let your feelings run free. Crying after sex can also be a confirmation that the woman has really let herself go. In this case, the tears are clearly to be understood as a compliment.

Tears during an SM game

If tears were not expressly declared as part of the game in the preliminary discussion, the only option at this point is to abandon the game. As a good Dom, you look after the well-being of your subordinates. Both physically and mentally. Tears during a session can mean that you have unintentionally brought up unloved memories and fears. The session absolutely has to be broken off and everything talked about again in detail.

Women’s tears as blackmail

This possibility must also be clearly addressed. Some women use tearful outbursts of emotion to get their way. Younger men in particular, who find themselves in such a situation for the first time, are overwhelmed and react in panic. After all, you didn’t want to hurt your partner and there can be no other reason for tears.

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But unfortunately, tears are also calculated. A crying woman finds herself in the role of victim and can usually play it out successfully and press the tear ducts. Men can only get out of this predicament if they keep a cool head in such situations and defend their opinions with objective arguments.

But be careful: you need a good sense of which tears are real and which are fake.

Let’s talk about sex, baby

Ultimately, there is only one correct approach to crying after sex. And that is the clarifying conversation. Before misunderstandings arise, it is important to clear them up right from the start.

This is a challenge for the parties. The man should proceed very cautiously and ask his questions in a calm tone of voice. Accusations and insinuations are completely out of place here. However, the woman must also be prepared to answer the questions truthfully. The fact that a “soul striptease” sometimes has to be performed here cannot be avoided. But after all, this is about your own partnership. It’s worth investing a little.

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