There is no right to sex in a relationship

By Dr. Dorothea Flogger
Estimated reading time: 10 minutes


There is no right to sex in a relationship

Everyone has the right to sexual freedom and autonomy. This also includes the right to decide for himself whether and how often he wants to have sexual intercourse. There are no legal requirements or obligations that oblige couples to have sex a certain number of times. Rather, sexual activity in a relationship should be based on mutual consent and on a voluntary basis.

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However, it is important to note that there are legal regulations that guarantee protection against sexual violence, abuse or coercion. These are intended to ensure that sexual acts always take place on a consensual basis. It is crucial that both partners respect their sexual rights and boundaries and that any sexual activity is consensual.

A misunderstanding about the right to sexual intercourse

A common misconception is that many people believe that they have a legal right to regular sexual intercourse in a relationship. However, this is not the case. The lack of an explicit right to sexual activity does not mean that there are no expectations or needs regarding sex in a relationship. It is important that couples communicate openly and honestly about their sexual desires and needs and find compromises that are acceptable to both partners.

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Consensual sexual intercourse is based on the voluntary consent of both partners. There should be no obligation or expectation to engage in certain sexual activities. Instead, the sexual fulfillment of both partners should be in the foreground and based on mutual agreements and needs.

In order to dispel the misconception about the right to sexual intercourse, it is important that couples communicate openly and respectfully about their sexual needs and desires. By clearly communicating their expectations and boundaries, they can build a satisfying and fulfilling sexual relationship together.

Ethical boundaries of sexual self-determination

Sexual self-determination includes individual freedom of choice over one’s own body and sexual activities. Everyone has the right to decide for themselves about their sexual desires, preferences and boundaries. This includes bodily autonomy, i.e. control over one’s own body and consent to sexual acts.

Bodily autonomy is a fundamental ethical principle that states that no one should be forced to perform sexual acts against their will. Everyone has the right to self-determination over their own body and should be able to decide on sexual activities that they personally find comfortable and appropriate. It is important that sexual acts only take place with the consensual and voluntary consent of both parties.

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Consent also plays a decisive role in sexual relationships. Consent refers to the agreement of all parties involved in a sexual act. All parties should consent to sexual activity voluntarily, consciously and without coercion. Consensus ensures that sexual acts are based on mutual consent and that no boundaries are crossed. Consent should be clear and unambiguous, and it is important that partners communicate openly about their sexual boundaries and preferences.

It is also important to note that sexual freedom is not to be equated with commitment in partnerships. Although there is often an expectation of sexual activity in a relationship, this should never be seen as an obligation. Every partner has the right and the freedom to decide for themselves how to have sex. A healthy sexual relationship is based on parental autonomy, consent and mutual understanding of each other’s needs and boundaries.

The law on sexual intercourse includes various legal frameworks designed to ensure protection against sexual violence, abuse, coercion and sexual assault. There are legal provisions to ensure that sexual acts always take place on a consensual basis. These rules serve to protect sexual self-determination and to safeguard the rights of all those involved.

There is no right to sex in a relationship
There is no right to sex in a relationship

The legal situation regarding sexual intercourse also includes other legal issues such as the age of consent, consent for certain sexual acts and protection against sexually transmitted infections or diseases. It is important that sexual relationships take place within this legal framework and that the sexual self-determination of all those involved is respected.

An important aspect of the legal situation is the right to physical intimacy in sexual relationships. This means that everyone has the right to decide freely about their sexual activities and relationships, as long as this is in accordance with the law.

The legal foundations of sexual intercourse and sexual relationships are of central importance for sexual self-determination and the sexual rights of all people. It is important that these legal provisions are regularly reviewed and updated to reflect changing social norms and needs.

Communicating sexual needs in a partnership

In a partnership, it is crucial to communicate openly and honestly about sexual needs and desires. By both partners being willing to talk about their preferences, fantasies, boundaries and expectations, they help to ensure that their sexual needs are better understood and respected. Open communication creates trust and strengthens the bond between the partners.

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It is important that these discussions take place on a basis of trust and openness. Both partners should feel safe to express their sexual desires and needs without fear of judgment or rejection. Communication should be respectful and empathetic to ensure that both partners feel heard and understood.

Sex education can also help to improve communication about sexual needs. By learning about sexual issues together and exploring their own sexuality, both partners can develop a deeper understanding of each other and discover new ways to enrich their sexual relationship.

By communicating sexual needs in the partnership, both partners can build a fulfilling and satisfying sexual relationship based on consent, trust and respect.

Little sex in the relationship – three case studies

There are couples who are confronted with a low frequency of sexual intercourse in their relationship. There can be various reasons for this and in most cases it is due to individual sexual needs or circumstances. This section presents three case studies of how couples deal differently with a low frequency of sexual intercourse.

There is no right to sex in a relationship
There is no right to sex in a relationship

The tension between sexual health and sexual rights

The tension between sexual health and sexual rights plays an important role in relationships. Sexual activity should always take place in a healthy and safe way. Statutory provisions and legal principles protect against sexually transmitted infections or diseases and ensure that sexual acts only take place on a consensual basis. It is of great importance that both sexual health and sexual rights are respected and protected.

Maintenance sex – a controversial practice in long-term relationships

Maintenance sex is a controversial practice in long-term relationships in which couples have regular sexual intercourse even when they may not feel much like it. Some experts believe that maintenance sex can help to maintain sexual satisfaction and the connection between partners.

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Consensual sexual intercourse can be a basis for intimacy in a partnership. If both partners voluntarily and consensually consent to sexual acts, this can help both partners to become emotionally and physically closer.

The importance of sex in relationships from a therapeutic perspective

From a therapeutic perspective, sex can play an important role in relationships. It can serve as a connecting element that helps to bring both partners closer together emotionally and physically. Sex can be an expression of intimacy and trust and strengthen the feeling of connection and belonging in a relationship. Through sexual acts, couples can express their lust and passion for each other and make each other happy.

For many couples, the sexual aspect of their relationship is an important indicator of the quality of their partnership. A fulfilling and satisfying sexual relationship can indicate a harmonious and loving partnership. It is a sign that both partners are in harmony with their sexual satisfaction and needs. A lack of sexual fulfillment, on the other hand, can indicate problems in the relationship and lead to dissatisfaction.

There is no right to sex in a relationship
There is no right to sex in a relationship

It is important to emphasize that intimacy in a relationship is not only based on sexual acts. There are many other forms of intimacy that are just as important, such as emotional closeness, trust, shared interests and goals. A healthy and fulfilling relationship involves a combination of different forms of intimacy, which can vary from couple to couple.

Sexual therapists support couples in recognizing and solving their sexual needs, desires and problems. They help to establish open communication, clarify misunderstandings and build sexually satisfying relationships. The therapeutic perspective offers couples the opportunity to improve their sexual relationships and build a deeper and more fulfilling bond.

Consensual sexual intercourse as the basis for intimacy

Consensual sexual intercourse can be a basis for intimacy in a partnership. If both partners voluntarily and consensually consent to sexual acts, this can help both partners to become emotionally and physically closer.

Intimacy is an important aspect of a relationship and can be experienced on different levels, including emotional, physical and sexual intimacy. Consensual sexual intercourse allows both partners to express and share their sexual needs and desires.

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Sexuality can be a way of showing each other that you want and desire each other. It can strengthen the trust and bond between partners and build a deep emotional connection.

A relationship is about finding a balance between the needs and desires of both partners. Consensual sexual intercourse is based on consensus and respect for the individual boundaries and preferences of each partner. It is important that both partners feel comfortable and safe and have the opportunity to express their agreement or disagreement.

The sexual self-determination of each individual plays a crucial role in creating a healthy and satisfying sexual relationship. Consensual sex allows both partners to retain control over their own bodies and sexual activities.

By agreeing to consensual sex, both partners create space for intimacy, trust and respect in their partnership. It is important that both partners have the opportunity to communicate their own needs and boundaries and that they can respectfully agree on how they want to organize their sexual relationship.

Self-determination and the limits of sexual autonomy

Sexual autonomy includes the right of every person to make self-determined decisions about their sexual activities and relationships. Every individual has the right to decide freely when and with whom they want to have sexual intercourse. It is important that sexual acts take place on a consensual basis and that both partners give their consent. This right to sexual self-determination is protected by law and guarantees individual freedom and autonomy in sexual matters.

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However, there are also limits to sexual autonomy, which are defined by statutory provisions and legal principles. These laws are designed to ensure protection against sexual violence, abuse, coercion and sexual assault. They serve to ensure that sexual acts always take place on a voluntary and consensual basis. In addition, legal issues such as the age of consent, consent for certain sexual acts and protection against sexually transmitted infections or diseases can also limit sexual autonomy.

It is important that each individual knows and respects their own sexual boundaries. Communication about sexual needs, preferences and boundaries is crucial to ensure consensual sex in a relationship. Through open and honest communication, both partners can exercise their sexual autonomy and at the same time ensure that the sexual acts are within the framework of the applicable legal provisions.


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