The second best way to prevent pregnancy

By Dr. Dorothea Flogger
Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

Many roads lead, perhaps, to the goal

For a long time, there was a persistent rumor that the pill was the best and easiest contraceptive for women. Without wanting to deny the effect of the pill here: To prevent pregnancy, a woman can also take other things. Depending on the partner’s food preferences, even in different flavors.

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Many things have been tried throughout history to prevent unwanted pregnancy during sex. Moon worship, cycle training, witch burning and human sacrifice are among the less bizarre practices. According to Otto Waalkes, there are even people who put small plastic bags over their wiener.
But all these satanic methods largely came to an end after the birth control pill was invented.


Often celebrated as a milestone in female emancipation. Many people forget that preventing pregnancy can be much easier and also much more fun.

The power of sperm – may the juice be with you

What many people don’t know is that sperm can be used in many ways. As an oral vaccination, it has a healthy effect and boosts the immune system. In addition, oral intake of the male love juice contributes one hundred percent to preventing an unwanted pregnancy. The word sperm is an abbreviation. Pronounced, it means “successfully and masterfully averting pregnancies”. Any questions?

The hottest way to prevent an unwanted pregnancy

The second best way to prevent pregnancy
What is the second best way to prevent pregnancy?

Can it be more erotic? If your partner wants to play it safe when it comes to child planning, all she has to do is speak up in good time. When used correctly in the mouth (gargling), the sperm also gets between the teeth and can take care of unwanted bacteria right there. The trick here is to keep the semen in your mouth for as long as possible and move it around with your tongue. Only in this way can this wonderful liquid achieve its full effect. Once swallowed, this male proof of love in the esophagus works better than any cough medicine.

Nature still produces the best medicine. Bad news for the pharmaceutical industry, but the sympathy here is limited.
After cleansing the esophagus, the sperm ends up in the stomach where it helps with digestion. This is a far cry from any egg cells, which cannot be accidentally fertilized. Preventing pregnancy has never been so easy and, incidentally, never so satisfying.

Videos about active oral contraception are a hit on the internet

The relevant portals are full of them. Videos about actively practiced oral contraception are offered in abundance by almost all amateur girls. Usually wrongly described as bubble videos, these films have a very clear, educationally useful raison d’être. The topic of contraception and unwanted pregnancy cannot be emphasized enough to teenagers these days. But how do you reach adolescents mentally? Teachers and other persons of respect hardly stand a chance here.


Except maybe if they are female and attractive and use a banana during the explanation. No, this is where live-action videos come in. This way you can reach young people and educate them about contraception. There are plenty of educational sex education sites online so that every teen can choose the one that suits them best. The coins required to purchase the videos are then provided by the Ministry of Culture. So the next Pisa study can come.

Swallowing for world peace

That’s right. Swallowing sperm not only helps to prevent pregnancy. Used correctly and, above all, frequently, a woman can have a direct oral influence on world events.

Reading tip for you from EroniteRead also:
Two wombs – woman is pregnant in both!
Can a hermaphrodite impregnate itself?
Impregnated – What does a genetic test cost?
Eroticism during pregnancy: what’s okay, what’s taboo?
➤ S hort childhood: Three stories about teenage pregnancies

Men who have just had a blow job are usually very relaxed. In this state, everyone is completely relaxed and at peace with themselves and the world. Shouldn’t a few political personalities be given such a treat as a matter of urgency? The lasting oral satisfaction of Vladimir Putin or Kim Jong-Un could save the lives of thousands of people. As described above, there is also no risk of becoming unintentionally pregnant by one of these gentlemen.

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