New scam: Tinder Trading Scam

By Valérie Francès-Pecker
Estimated reading time: 4 minutes
New scam: Tinder Trading Scam
New scam: Tinder Trading Scam

A new face of online fraud

An Alarming Trend: The Emergence of the Tinder Trading Scam

In the virtual world of Internet dating sites and social networks, a new form of fraud is spreading rapidly: the so-called “Tinder Trading Scam”. This term, also called “pig butchering,” reflects a disturbing dehumanization of the victim and the elaborate process of deception. Criminals see the people they take the money from as nothing more than pigs they can “slaughter.”

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Scammers start by becoming emotionally attached to their victim, often through a romantically inclined match on Tinder. Once they gain the victim’s trust, they trick them into investing in cryptocurrencies on fake websites. The effects are devastating: the money invested is gone, and the love that was pretended was never real. The damage done is not only financial; the emotional impact can be even worse, as victims often experience depression, anxiety, and in some cases, suicidal ideation.

The operation behind the Tinder Trading Scam

This method of fraud has its roots in Asia, more precisely in China, Hong Kong and Southeast Asia. The perpetrators operate veritable “fraud factories” in these regions. They specifically approach their targets via the Internet and create an emotional dependency or simulate a relationship in order to fleece them financially.

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The identity of the perpetrators is faked, they often use photos of influencers or use AI technologies to create artificially generated images, the so-called “deepfakes”. In fact, the increase in digital counterfeiting poses a serious challenge to the judiciary. It is important that criminal law regulations are adapted to the ever-changing digital landscape.

The three phases of the Tinder Trading Scam

The Tinder trading scam process can be divided into three main stages:
  1. “Finding the pig”: The perpetrators make contact with the target person, whom they regard as prey, via singles exchanges and social networks.
  2. “Fattening the pig.” They steer the conversation toward seemingly lucrative investment opportunities on the Internet and lure their victims into investing in fraudulent platforms.
  3. “Butchering the pig.” In the final phase, the scammers try to squeeze the last of the money out of their victims before abruptly breaking off contact. The entire capital allegedly invested is lost.
New scam: Tinder Trading Scam
Final Thoughts and Prevention of Tinder Trading Scam

It is important to recognize this new phenomenon of Tinder Trading Scams and be aware of the risks involved. Knowing the methods used by fraudsters is the first step in prevention. It should be noted that these scammers target not only the assets of their victims, but also their emotions. They create a false bond built on lies that is ultimately destroyed, leading to significant psychological consequences.

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Another important point is to always be careful when it comes to financial transactions with people you only know online. It is advisable to never invest or transfer money without first doing thorough research and being sure that it is a legitimate platform or investment. If an offer sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

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The judicial authorities are actively working to curb the spread of this scam and bring the perpetrators to justice. Their work is supported by international cooperation and exchange of information between the countries concerned. Technology can also play a decisive role here. Deepfake identification tools and other advanced monitoring and detection mechanisms can help detect and prevent such scams.

Regardless of the fact that Tinder Trading Scam is a global threat, it is possible to stay safe by being mindful and gathering information. Everyone who interacts online should be aware of this and take precautions not to become the next victim of this extortionist scam. It is crucial to be aware that fraudsters are using increasingly sophisticated methods and are constantly adapting to continue their illegal activities.

With this in mind, it is our collective responsibility to be aware of the Tinder Trading Scam, recognize it, and prevent it from becoming another victim. This is the only way to stop the scammers from “slaughtering” more “pigs”.

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