Can my dentist see that I have had oral sex?

By Dr. Dorothea Flogger
Estimated reading time: 5 minutes
Can my dentist see that I have had oral sex?
Can my dentist see that I have had oral sex?

How the dentist can tell if someone has had oral sex

The possibility that the dentist could detect oral sex in one triggers some surprise in many readers, that should be certain. Whereby the question really arises, how important one or the other takes the explanations to it. After all, what do dentists care if a blowjob has recently taken place?! However, the fact that there is circumstantial evidence for this in the mouth could perhaps still be interesting.

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Logically, it can be assumed that a dentist can prove oral sex only in the person who performed the intimate pampering. This is because he or she only has the oral cavity of their patients available for assessment. Any “tracing” of the genitals is, of course, prohibited.

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On a well-known online platform, several professionals affirmed that it is not hidden from them whether their patients or female patients have recently performed oral sex. But how much truth is there behind this claim that has caused a stir? Finally, the news was picked up by various print and online media. Most of the contributions referred to the same sources.

Can my dentist see that I have had oral sex?

If you’re thinking, “Oops, my dentist can tell if I’ve had oral sex,” don’t be nervous. However, there are apparently dentists who act as trackers in this regard.

What usually awaits us at the dentist

Most people do not go for dental cleaning and regular check-ups without bias. The fear of discovering serious inflammation, caries or periodontitis is too great. Such and similar diagnosis easily entail a long-term and not always painless dental treatment.

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The fact that oral sex is also not hidden from the well-trained dentist should be completely new to many people. How can experts actually tell if he or she has blown?

The guesswork began with a clip

Back in 2021, a video was published on the much-visited platform that revolved around the topic of “dentist and blowjob”. One user made the claim that oral sex is not hidden from dentists. What was the basis for @cianmcbrien’s claim, which astonished millions of users worldwide?

Can my dentist see that I have had oral sex?

Various dentists immediately came forward with statements such as “I’m often asked this question” or “Yes, that’s true”. The mother of one of the users immediately spoke out of the closet and contributed an anecdote. As a dental hygienist, she told of high school girls who had their teeth cleaned on Monday mornings. She said she asked her patients about how they spent their weekend. Most said there hadn’t been much going on. Looking into their mouths, the dentist had the opposite impression and thought to herself that the girls had been up to quite a bit.

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How dentist diagnose oral sex

It’s no secret how experts arrive at the “finding: blowjob”. A dentist explained that blowing usually causes a bruise on the soft palate. This is called petechiae. Normally, such traces of oral sex are meaningless for treating dentists. However, if they are dealing with a very young patient, they become attentive. Finally, there is a possibility that there is evidence of abuse.

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Anyone who is embarrassed about being found out in the dentist’s office only needs to behave accordingly. Because, according to experts, the petechiae are visible only if oral intercourse occurred not so long ago. So, if you have an appointment for a dental check-up tomorrow, you might want to avoid blisters today!

Actually, the whole discussion can leave us cold

Doctors get to see a lot because of their job – and probably make up their own minds about some things. The extent to which they pay any attention at all to the intimate lives of their patients depends on their particular specialty. Dentistry and sex life have virtually nothing to do with each other. Consequently, no one needs to expect embarrassing questions about their sexual behavior in a dentist’s office. Whether or not a dentist detects oral sex signs, he or she will usually keep it to themselves.

Anyone who would like to know more about this and who dares to do so can, of course, ask their dentist about the subject. Either the statement is refused, or a brief conversation ensues. In the course of this, the physician can point out, for example, that the bruises called petechiae occur mainly when the blowjob was performed somewhat more violently.

Quite possibly, a conversation about oral sex is quite suitable for distracting from the fears of dental treatments. A tip: Close your eyes and think about how awesome it went last time you licked and sucked. The attempt is worthwhile and, at best, can help overcome chronic fears of going to the dentist’s office. Remembering oral sex at the dentist: there’s something about that!

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