12 things that embarrass men in bed

By Jens Haberlein
Estimated reading time: 3 minutes


Embarrassing in bed – This is what men are afraid of

Men and sexuality – a topic that is often controversial. Especially in bed, there are some things that can be embarrassing for men. This blog article takes a closer look at twelve things that embarrass men in bed.

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Sexuality is an important part of life for many people. But not everything always goes as planned. In bed, situations can arise that are embarrassing for men. But why is that?

What are the reasons for these embarrassments?

Physical embarrassment

  1. Erectile dysfunction
    One of the most common physical embarrassments for men in bed is erectile dysfunction. In this case, the penis fails to erect or does not stay hard long enough. This can be very uncomfortable for the man and lead to insecurities.
  2. Premature ejaculation
    Another physical embarrassment is premature ejaculation. In this case, the man climaxes faster than desired and cannot enjoy sex long enough. This can be uncomfortable for both partners and affect the man’s self-confidence.
  3. Sweating
    During sex it can quickly get hot and the man starts to sweat. This can be embarrassing for him, especially if he is afraid that his partner will find it uncomfortable.

12 things that embarrass men in bed


  1. Do not show initiative
    Sometimes men feel insecure in bed and do not dare to show initiative. This can cause sex to become boring or one-sided, and the partner may not feel properly satisfied.
  2. Being too fast
    Some men want to get sex over with quickly and forget that their partner should also get her money’s worth. Quick and careless action can cause injury or pain to the partner and make sex uncomfortable.
  3. Wrong technique
    The wrong technique can also be embarrassing for men in bed. If they don’t know how to properly stimulate their partner, it can lead to frustration and insecurity.


  1. Do not talk about wishes
    Another reason for embarrassing situations in bed is the lack of communication. If men don’t talk about what they want in bed, misunderstandings can quickly arise.
  2. Do not talk about fears
    Fears and insecurities can cause men to block in bed. If they don’t talk about their fears, it can become a burden and interfere with sex.
  3. Do not talk about problems
    When things don’t go as they should in bed, it can be very uncomfortable for men. But if they don’t address their problems, it can be hard to find a solution.


There are many reasons why men can experience embarrassing situations in bed. But often it’s just little things that can be avoided to make sex life more enjoyable and fulfilling for both partners. Open communication, trying new techniques, and being aware of your partner’s needs can help improve your sex life and minimize embarrassment.

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It is important to emphasize that embarrassment in bed is not uncommon and that everyone has their insecurities. It’s normal that everything doesn’t always go perfectly, and it’s okay to talk about these issues. Being open and respectful with each other can help both partners feel comfortable in bed and enjoy sex.

In conclusion, sexuality is an important part of life and is worth addressing. Embarrassment and insecurities are a part of it, but there are also many ways to improve your sex life and make it more fulfilling. An open exchange and trying new techniques can help to make sex life more exciting and satisfying.

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