5 signs that a woman wants to kiss you

By Daniel Kemper
Estimated reading time: 5 minutes
5 signs that a woman wants to kiss you
5 signs that a woman wants to kiss you


How can I tell that a woman wants to be kissed?

When is the right moment on a date to finally get closer to the woman and give the first kiss? Well, there is no such thing as a perfect time that can be timed beforehand like in a diary. The fact that a woman wants to kiss you can happen in a variety of situations. We’ll show you what signs to look out for.

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How you can tell that the woman wants to kiss you

Every man knows the situation. The woman of your dreams has agreed to a first date. The meeting goes well, you find common topics, laugh a lot and have a good time. Still, that spark of uncertainty remains as to whether you may kiss the woman of your desire. What if you misread the signs and it’s too soon? Or has she been waiting for ages for you to finally make the first move?

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Most women still wait for the man to take the initiative. So a woman who wants to kiss you will rarely just do it. Most won’t tell you freely either. Much more women send signals continuously. These indications must be interpreted and acted upon accordingly.


If you find it hard to always interpret a woman’s signs correctly, don’t sweat it. Because you are truly not alone with this problem. Most men feel that way. Many subtle hints and other signals from the woman unfortunately go completely unheard, because the man simply does not recognize them.
But why should you know what to look for if no one has explained it to you yet? That’s exactly what we want to change with this article.

Most important sign: she looks at your lips

When their pupils jump back and forth between your eyes and then move a little further down, it’s kind of like a jackpot. We all like to look at what we want to have.

Das ERONITE Dating

So if her gaze moves from your eyes down to your lips, it means that’s where she wants to go. There can’t be a better sign that a woman wants to kiss you. Or is it?

The bite on the lips

The absolute highlight is when she runs her tongue over her own lips while looking at your mouth. Or she bites her own lower lip with her teeth while looking at you. That would be such a strong flirt signal that most people would get it even without this article.

5 signs that a woman wants to kiss you

She lets you into her immediate vicinity

Almost all of us have a minimum distance when it comes to communicating with other people. You can think of it kind of like in the movie Dirty Dancing with the dance areas. So if a woman allows you to get physically close to her during a conversation, she will let you into her dance area. If the woman agrees, she is certainly not averse to a kiss either.

Random touches

If a woman wants to kiss you, she will not only allow physical closeness, but may also provide touching herself. A swipe of the back of the hand against the arm seems just as casual as a quick pat on the shoulder.

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But these seemingly random touches create a more intimate atmosphere and lower the inhibition threshold. Hardly any woman will actually perform this kind of touching randomly and without ulterior motives.

If a woman wants to kiss you, she will delay saying goodbye

Now it becomes romantic. We all know this situation from quite a few movies. The actual date is over, the lady has been taken home and would now just need to go inside and close the door. But none of this is happening. Both stand in front of each other, smile shyly at each other and fuss around as if they had forgotten how to speak in complete sentences.

Reading tip for you from Eronite 555Read also:
Kissing culture: what makes kissing so special
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Women who get involved in such situations have not lost their ability to speak. They want a kiss goodbye. After all, if the meeting had not gone to her liking, she could have gone to her apartment. If she stops outside together with you, it is a very clear sign that the woman wants to kiss you. So go ahead: The right moment for this is right now!

When a woman wants to kiss you may vary from case to case

Every person is different. Thus, the flirting tactics of women are also different. Not every signal always means the same for all women. This makes things more complicated, but also more exciting. The above tips should therefore be understood as a guide and not as a sample solution.

Of course, there are also women who generally do not have a minimum distance and whose touches are really random. Perhaps this very woman is chewing her lip because of her current herpes problem. All possible, but unlikely. From there: take heart. Approach your dream girl, ask her out on a date and pay attention to her signals.

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