Eroticism 4.0 – Cybersex of the future

By Benno von Sandhayn
Estimated reading time: 6 minutes
Eroticism 4.0 - Cybersex of the future
Eroticism 4.0 - Cybersex of the future

Cybersex today and tomorrow

The future has long since begun

Technologically new dimensions expand the sex life of mankind. But do they also enrich our personal erotic universe? In any case, there is a lot going on in the field of cybersex in the future that is tempting to try out. Toys mobilized by remote control are just one example of the possibilities that CS will offer us in the future.

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Erotic entertainment and sexual stimulation have never been easier to get than via the Internet. Those who want to can exchange ideas on various platforms and apps and arrange sex dates with like-minded people. In addition to this huge offer, which some people already perceive as oversupply, there is also cybersex – a word that does not necessarily sound appealing at first. We associate it with erotic encounters via the Internet, the cyberspace that (largely unnoticed by us) permanently collects data.

CS of the future: Is that where our intimate life is supposed to take place?

Eroticism 4.0 - Cybersex of the future
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Technical progress has initiated a trend in which we are already more or less participating. If you don’t believe that, you can check yourself if he or she hasn’t been involved in cybersex before. For example, write something about sex, illustrate it with meaningful emojis and send it? Or communicated freely via webcam as well as occasionally practiced solo sex to porn videos? All this already falls under cybersex. Cybersex of the future, however, offers many more options.

If a sexual interaction takes place between at least two people in different locations, it is called cybersex. The participants act and react thanks to communication via computer. In the childhood days of the virtual world, there were purely written dialogues that fell under cybersex. In the meantime, technological advances are enabling us to have real and engaging experiences. It is considered a general trend for the cybersex of the future to choose as a meeting place a three-dimensional virtual reality that can be experienced both audiovisually and tactilely.

Interaction with other people, but also with certain programs can take place here. Numerous people do not find this method second-rate sex at all, but quite fulfilling.

Will cybersex of the future enhance our love lives?

Conscious decisions to engage in cybersex have different motivations. Not only couples who have a long-distance relationship use this option. This is because they create new spaces for themselves in a playful way instead of being content with masturbation in front of the screen. Things can happen virtually that are not always feasible face to face. Those who chat openly with each other quickly lose their shyness and are more likely to dare to express his or her true desires.

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No one needs to worry about sexually transmitted diseases in today’s CS or in the CS of the future. Even those who are insecure because of modern gender relations can try themselves out virtually. Physically or mentally impaired individuals often rarely enjoy sex in real life. Cybersex, however, gives them realistic access to tingling experiences.

Cyber sex and some of its benefits

Supporters of efficiency have much to gain from the current and cybersex of the future. Even comfortable and shy people often find him charming. Instead of meeting people “in the wild” and engaging in flirting, women and men merely need to go online. Within just a few minutes, a hot exchange can begin in relevant chats.

Eroticism 4.0 - Cybersex of the future

Other reasons for opening up to the cybersex of the future with the support of the Internet and technology can be the spatial distance in couples or the deliberately chosen anonymity. If your sweetheart is far away, erotic photos and fantasies as well as webcam lovemaking can comfort you through the pain of separation. For others, it gives them a thrill to dare to role-play as a nameless or nameless person in ways that are unthinkable for them in reality.

Virtually discover individual sexuality

Especially in the young generation today’s and CS of the future is something quite normal. As so-called digital natives (having grown up with the digital world) with sometimes only limited erotic experience, they can explore their own inclinations and try things out anonymously. You will learn about certain practices and how sex toys work.

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Last but not least, cybersex equals safe sex, which is an argument that should not be underestimated. Anyone can participate in mental stimulation without fear of contagion or violence and get revved up by some daring foreplay. Many people find sexting in particular (a kind of dirty talk in pictures) to be a pleasurable combination of erotic stimulation and physical desire.

Teledildonics add a new dimension to sex life

Is the term “teledildonics” the ultimate in cybersex of the future? Everyone has to assess that for themselves. This refers to virtual sexual encounters via toys. Their intensity and rhythm is controlled by another person or a computer program. Remote-controlled sex toys targeting erogenous zones can be ordered from appropriate online stores. These toys are connected to the computer and make interaction over spatial distance possible.

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Toys and CS of the future are about more than just triggering pleasure through vibration. Some models are synchronized with virtual reality or porn movies and start moving at the same time as the actors and actresses. Live sex in cyberspace has been possible for quite some time, by the way.

Platforms for cybersex of the future

Back in 2005, American sex tech pioneer Kyle Machulis succeeded in incorporating an interface for sex toys in the controversial online game “Second Life.” Meanwhile, other platforms exist where people meet in the form of avatars. Interested parties should check out, for example. This is a field Kyle Machulis has been in for 18 years, and there is still much to be expected from him. From his point of view, there is still a lot of potential for growth.

The more sophisticated the technology for CS of the future, the more precisely users can coordinate their interactions.

Intimacy falls by the wayside with cybersex

The need to satisfy the desire for eroticism and sex can be satisfied through cyber sex. It is accepted and used as another type of game by numerous people. But even the cybersex of the future does not hide the fact that we are alone with our laptop, tablet or smartphone. No one touches our skin. Even great and fancy chat rooms, online games and sex toys don’t create the intimacy like caresses and human warmth. Singles and couples are best off finding out for themselves whether they want to accept one or more offers for cybersex.

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