Semen color: When yellowish ejaculate comes out of your penis

By Dr. Dorothea Flogger
Estimated reading time: 5 minutes
Semen color: When yellowish ejaculate comes out of your penis
Semen color: When yellowish ejaculate comes out of your penis


Yellowish ejaculate – what can it mean?

In men, uncertainty arises when the color of the semen suddenly changes and yellowish ejaculate comes out. However, it may also be a different sperm color. It can also be bloody or virtually nothing comes out. Various causes are possible for this. What can this mean and is it actually dangerous? The possible reasons for this are defined in detail in the guide.

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What does the color of the semen normally look like?

As a rule, healthy sperm is white to gray. However, it is also possible that the color of the semen may change. The same applies to the consistency of the ejaculate. If changes occur, diet and beverages may be the cause. Even the last moment of an ejaculation can influence the color. There is not only yellowish ejaculate, but sperm color can vary. It can also be greenish or reddish-brown.

Semen color: When yellowish ejaculate comes out of your penis

Pathological changes do not always have to be the reason for the change in color of the semen. However, if it lasts longer, it is recommended to see a doctor. But what are the causes of yellowish ejaculate and what else should men know about it?

Semen is yellowish discolored – what does it mean?

Should yellowish ejaculate come out in the man, various reasons are possible. These can be, for example, diseases that are sexually transmitted. Or the man has leukocytospermia. Then the proportion of white blood cells in the ejaculate is too high. There could also be urine in the semen. This occurs when there has been no ejaculation for a long time.

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If yellowish ejaculate appears, the man could be ill with jaundice. Harmless are color changes due to the diet with strong dyes. Another cause of the changed sperm color is inflammation, which is manifested by pus in the sperm.

Yellowish ejaculate – what therapy is possible?

This cannot be defined precisely. It always depends on the reason that causes the changed sperm color. If it is a sexually transmitted disease or prostatitis, an appropriate antibiotic may provide relief. It is important that men check their ejaculate regularly. If the color of the semen changes, be mindful.

Semen color: When yellowish ejaculate comes out of your penis

Even more so when symptoms such as burning, swelling, pain, chills, fever and itching appear. Then a visit to the doctor is due.

The ejaculate has a strong smell – and now?

If the ejaculate smells strong and yellowish ejaculate comes out, an infection may also be responsible. Here, too, the doctor must be consulted. An examination of the partner is strongly advised. If the infection is contagious, the worst case scenario is that the woman becomes infertile.

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Healthy ejaculate is white to transparent. The smell is reminiscent of fresh chestnut blossoms. The normal volume starts from 1.5 milliliters. However, deviations are also possible and are no cause for alarm. For men, there are major differences in this respect. Some produce more sperm, others less. Therefore, other factors must come into play to indicate a possible disease. The amount of sperm is also determined by the age of the man.

The sperm color is completely transparent – what does that mean?

If the semen is transparent, components formed in the testicles, epididymis, prostate and seminal vesicles are missing. As a rule, disorders of the seminal ducts are responsible for this. An occlusion may form in some cases. Reasons may be inflammation affecting different areas. These are the epididymis, seminal vesicle, vas deferens or prostate.

Semen color: When yellowish ejaculate comes out of your penis

If too little sperm is produced, inflammation is also often to blame, closing the seminal ducts. Other possible causes are congenital defects of the vas deferens. It is important to know that the amount of sperm does not decrease ad hoc. This usually happens insidiously.

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What if there is blood in the semen? Here, inflammation may also be the cause. Then the semen should be tested for bacteria. Part of this examination is also a urine test. Unfortunately, since blood in the ejaculate is also an indication of a serious disease, the man should undergo a thorough examination. These could be tumors of the prostate or seminal vesicles. Responsible for bloody semen could also be genital tuberculosis. However, this occurs only rarely.

Yellowish ejaculate or other discoloration

But there are other reasons for reddish-brown sperm or blood-containing ejaculate. This is a condition known as hematospermia. In addition to the causes already mentioned, other reasons may be responsible. These are, for example, a prostate biopsy or a sexually transmitted disease. In addition, the prostate may be enlarged, benign or malignant.

Radiation therapy to the prostate can also produce reddish-brown discoloration. Also, the urethra may be inflamed, which is commonly known as urethritis. Furthermore, surgery, such as vasectomy, or other injuries are reasons for blood in semen.

But men do not have to worry per se now if there is blood in the ejaculate. Very rarely, these are tumors of the prostate or testes. It is even the case that the cause is usually clarifiable.

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