Coloring book for men: Color my boobs!

By Carlos Galvez Otoño
Estimated reading time: 3 minutes
Coloring book for men: Color my boobs!
Coloring book for men: Color my boobs!

Paint my boobs off!

Especially women and children love it: coloring books. This activity is particularly popular and serves to switch off from everyday life. After a stressful day at work, it’s nice to sit down at the table and color beautiful childish or feminine mandalas. But why is there no coloring book for men? There are certainly men who are relaxed to paint.

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The coloring book for men

Coloring book for men: Color my boobs!If you’re a man who doesn’t like mandalas or childish motifs in a coloring book, and you’re not just into abstract or cubist art, you can enjoy a coloring book created especially for men. In the “Coloring Book Color My Pugs!” the owner does literally what the book title asks him to do: he colors the pugs. No, this is not about dogs, here you can color on 40 pages seductive beauties like the hot librarian, the showgirl or the cheerleader. They leave nothing to be desired and promise hours of coloring fun for men, because the hot librarian, the showgirl or the cheerleader are not only hot girls, they show their breasts in an interesting way.

A suitable gift for any man who already has everything

Who does not know them? The men who already have everything. This coloring book for men, this man has 99% not yet. It doesn’t matter if you give it as a fun gift with a twinkle in your eye, or if it’s a serious gift for a man who just needs to come down and draw his everyday life. At a birthday party, this book is for sure, the perfect gift and if equal to good pens are given with, the coloring can begin directly at the party and be seen as a fun party game.

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In the right round, the coloring book for men is guaranteed to lift the mood! Also, if you want to tease a good friend because he has been single for a while and is currently low on women, this book is the perfect and a fun gift. The book is ideal for men, so that he can be creative. The coloring book for men isn’t bitchy, doesn’t make stupid comments, doesn’t complain, never has a headache when it gets down to business – and you don’t have to clean it up in the shower afterwards either!

We are sure: also the female gender can’t help grinning, because this book is not sexist at all and the pictures are rather to be understood with a wink. Humor is assumed, of course.

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