What’s different about sex with a woman going through the menopause?

By Faizel Ahman
Estimated reading time: 4 minutes
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What changes during sex with a woman during the menopause?

The topic of sex with a woman going through the menopause is no longer a taboo subject. In the past, women were very uncomfortable talking about typical menopausal symptoms. Fortunately, this view has changed. What exactly is different about having sex with a MILF? We’ll clarify that in this article.

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Menopausal symptoms and the effects on your sex life

Hot flushes, vaginal dryness or pain during sex are just some of the symptoms caused by reduced production of female sex hormones. Due to the lack of hormones, the vaginal skin becomes thinner and more sensitive and loses moisture. This can lead to pain during sex. In addition to physical complaints, it can also lead to emotional stress, which can occur to a greater or lesser extent depending on the individual.

What's different about sex with a woman going through the menopause?
What’s different about sex with a woman going through the menopause?

Both physical and emotional stress can make it difficult for women to become sexually aroused.

How can a couple maintain sexual pleasure even during the menopause?

Despite these complaints, menopausal women are actively tackling this issue and enjoying their passion. Men report that sex with a woman during the menopause feels more liberating. The children, now grown up, have moved out and you now have peace and quiet and, above all, more time for relaxing sex. In addition, the topic of contraception fades into the background when having sex with a menopausal woman. A late pregnancy cannot be ruled out, but during the menopause the number of eggs capable of fertilization decreases so that there is only a small risk of pregnancy.

➤ The MILF Dating

Sex with a menopausal woman also becomes more experimental. Women want to try out things and fantasies that were not possible before the menopause. There are plenty of ideas. For example, how about a romantic date in a restaurant followed by a seductive bubble bath at home by candlelight and a glass of sparkling wine? Or an unusual role-playing game with dirty talk and bondage games? There are no limits to the imagination here.

When having sex with menopausal women, extensive foreplay should not be neglected. For example, a gentle full body massage with a stimulating massage oil. The partner first massages the woman’s back while she is lying on her stomach and, as if by chance, touches her bottom with his warm hands and massages it.

What's different about sex with a woman going through the menopause?
What’s different about sex with a woman going through the menopause?

That doesn’t just excite the woman. When she turns over and lies on her back, your partner can massage her wonderful, ripe breasts before gently devoting himself to her midriff and thus her pleasure center. The woman will be so aroused by the massage that a lack of vaginal moisture is no longer an issue. And if it does happen to be too dry, you can quickly remedy the situation with a lubricant.

A woman going through the menopause wants to satisfy her sexual desire

In addition to the tender loving care of your partner, physical exercise can also help to relax the mature woman during the menopause. Women experience a rollercoaster of emotions during the menopause. Their libido decreases, they are often irritable and suffer from sleep disorders and hot flushes. In addition, women no longer feel comfortable in their bodies. Body and soul are out of balance, making it difficult to lead a sexually fulfilling life. Relaxation techniques, sport and acupuncture can improve mental and physical well-being. A change in diet can also have positive effects, so that women feel more like having sex again.

➤ The MILF Dating

Another aspect is when women fall in love again during the menopause. New love rekindles the fire of lust as women rediscover themselves and their bodies. Men report that sex with a woman during the menopause can be exciting and tingling, as they want to satisfy their sexual needs.

Even in long-standing relationships, it is worth talking openly with your partner about unfulfilled sexual desires. Some partners are quite surprised when menopausal women feel like playing bondage or sadomasochistic games, talking dirty or even watching a porn movie together.

What final tips are there for sex with menopausal women?

The most important thing is that women talk openly about their complaints. Either with a doctor or your partner. This is the only way to take measures that will enable women to have a fulfilling sex life even during the menopause. During sex, extensive foreplay can increase a woman’s pleasure and, above all, vaginal moisture. Women can also satisfy themselves and learn to love their bodies.

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