What is different about having sex with a disabled woman?

By Marco Dorada
Estimated reading time: 5 minutes
Was ist anders am Sex mit einer behinderten Frau?

Sex with a disabled woman: What makes it so special?

Many men find women with disabilities surprisingly sexy and dream of having sex with such women. But what makes sex with a disabled woman so special and what attracts many men to this type of sexual play?

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We have taken a closer look at the topic and show why this sex is so often special, where the difficulties lie and what to pay particular attention to.

Sex with a disabled woman: what particularly appeals to many men

Many men have positive ideas about sex with disabled women. This may be because they are missing a body part, for example, or because they are perceived as particularly weak or particularly strong due to their disability.

➤ Disabled woman seeks...

As every disability and every person is different, it is not possible to define exactly what makes the difference for each individual. However, it is above all the particularly exotic and off-the-beaten-track nature of this sex that particularly appeals to many men and makes them curious about new sexual experiences.

Women with disabilities are particularly vulnerable sexually

What is different about having sex with a disabled woman?
What is different about having sex with a disabled woman?

Many women with disabilities are sexually open-minded and have a tendency to want to compensate for their own disability. As a man, you feel this particularly strongly in bed. This is because many women with disabilities also have certain limitations in bed that are associated with the type and degree of disability. As these women are also well aware of this themselves, many women have taken it upon themselves to try to compensate for these limitations in other ways. This is not necessarily always a conscious and understandable decision, but it usually makes sex with such a woman particularly special.

Disability as its own kink – particularly desirable for some men

There are some men who have a particular penchant for disabilities. You could see it as a fetish. It is therefore more than understandable that they derive a very special pleasure from having sex with a disabled woman (amelotatism). However, it must also be said that there are not many women with disabilities who are willing to share this fetish or make themselves available as an “object of lust” for this fetish. Of course, if you are lucky enough to find a partner with a disability who understands this fetish and wants to share it, you can discover a whole new form of sexuality for yourself.

➤ Disabled woman seeks...

Disability and physical limitations can be the focus here and thus become part of the sexual experience. If the woman also shares this fetish, a very healthy and extremely stimulating form of sexuality can develop in which both parties get their money’s worth. However, clear communication is needed to make this sexual preference understandable without reducing the woman to her disability.

Difficulties in having sex with a woman with a disability must also be addressed
What is different about having sex with a disabled woman?
What is different about having sex with a disabled woman?

Even if as a man you imagine sex with a disabled woman to be special, there are still some stumbling blocks and problems that should also be addressed. As mentioned above, there are many men who have developed a kink for disabilities. This is why many disabled women are initially cautious, as they don’t want to be seen simply as a trophy or sex object.

Many women with disabilities have also had bad experiences with partners who did not regard the woman as an equal because of her disability. You always have to remember that although these women have a physical disability, mentally and emotionally they are just like everyone else.

In addition, for many women, their own disabilities have become so normal over time that they are no longer discussed. If you then bring it up, this can initially lead to a defensive attitude . Communication is the key word here to make sex with a disabled woman a real highlight.

A disability is no reason not to seek sexual fulfillment

Anyone who has the chance to experience sex with a disabled woman and is prepared to understand the associated difficulties and inhibitions on the part of the woman will be able to experience a whole new level of sexual pleasure. This is because many women with disabilities have had few positive experiences with partners.

Fortunately, this is now changing across the board, which means, among other things, that more and more women with disabilities are rediscovering their sexuality. If you want to be part of this journey, you can look forward to experiencing completely new forms of sexuality. Because when disabilities are integrated into sexual togetherness, you experience sex that you would not experience without this disability, for example.

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