Erotic service: More sex for pastors! Amen.

By Benno von Sandhayn
Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

The border between spirituality and sensuality

At a time when religion is often perceived as reserved and conservative, unexpected crossovers between the sacred and the profane emerge that are thought-provoking. The concept of an “erotic service” may seem shocking at first glance. But on closer inspection, it reveals man’s profound search for a connection between physical intimacy and spiritual experience.

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This bold and unconventional approach, presented in the heart of Cologne in the historic Carthusian Church, is more than a fleeting provocation; it is a testimony to the constant evolution of human spirituality and the need to engage with all facets of our existence. Here we look at the confluence of sensual performance and spiritual devotion, and explore what it really means when the boundaries between body and soul become blurred.

A refreshing look at erotic worship services

Erotic service: More sex for pastors! Amen.
Erotic service: More sex for pastors! Amen.

1. the controversial act: a dance in the sacristy

In the middle of a church, right in front of the altar, a dancer in a skin-colored bodysuit performs an extraordinary performance. Instead of causing outrage or indignation, this turns out to be a highlight of the Protestant Church Day, specifically at the Kartäuserkirche in Cologne, which hosts the “erotic service.”

2. a meeting of opposites

A thunderstorm in the evening could not dampen the curiosity of almost a thousand interested people waiting outside the monastery complex. Nevertheless, only 400 people were able to participate, and the remaining part had to leave without having achieved anything. However, the atmosphere inside the church was quite different: A velvet path between the pews, a welcome that invited visitors into the “vineyard of love” and a breeze of wine and rose petals that fell on the congregation from above.

The announcement of the “erotic service” through the microphone caused a quiet, uncertain laughter, and the beginning of the service with saxophone music and dance was observed with mixed feelings.

3. eroticism and spirituality: two sides of the same coin

Pastor Armin Beuscher, dressed in a black gown with bare feet, enters the stage. He conveys the message that eroticism and pleasure are not separate from the divine experience. Instead of vilifying them, they should be accepted as part of the human experience.

Deutsche Erotikstars

He emphasizes the importance of spirituality and eroticism in the relationship and how both can be nurtured through regular practice. It brings to mind a TV scenario where a clergyman goes to a funeral after an intimate encounter and how this reflects the idea of “alive and strong and sharper.”

The priest’s closing comment is clear: perhaps clergy should spend more time with their loved ones to better connect with their spirituality.

A sensual excursion into the sacred space

4. Where does the urge to push the boundaries come from?

Erotic service: More sex for pastors! Amen.
Erotic service: More sex for pastors! Amen.

At a time when churches often struggle with declining membership, religious communities are looking for ways to be more relevant and accessible. The “erotic service” is perhaps a bold and unexpected response to this dilemma. By combining sensuality and spirituality in a sacred space, a new understanding of intimacy and divinity is offered. This connection can be seen as an exploration of the human need for closeness, both physical and spiritual.

5. the role of the critics

Of course, there are always skeptics and critics. Some may see this service as inappropriate or even blasphemous. But this criticism also shows how deeply rooted certain views about the role of the church and the clergy are. But what if the church can provide a space where people can explore their complete humanity, including their sensuality, without fear of judgment?

Deutsche Erotikstars

“Erotic worship” challenges traditional views and opens the door to a more inclusive understanding of spirituality. It begs the question: can exploring eroticism in a sacred space expand the way we view relationships, intimacy, and divine connection?

6. the potential for the future

Erotic service: More sex for pastors! Amen.
Erotic service: More sex for pastors! Amen.

It is still unclear whether such experimental services will become more common in the future. But they certainly offer a fresh perspective on what is possible in a house of worship. At a time when society is becoming more open about sexuality and relationships, it might be beneficial for the church to include these topics in its rituals and discourses.

Perhaps the future church will be a place where people come not only for spiritual nourishment, but also to explore and celebrate their whole selves, including their sensual side. The end of the “erotic service” in the Carthusian Church in Cologne could thus be the beginning of a new movement in the religious world. A sign that change is possible and that the Church, also in its adaptability, can find a divine inspiration.

Shared experience: an anointing ritual

The service challenged those in attendance by inviting them to participate in an anointing ritual. Some hesitated, others dove in boldly, and a few young couples even showed open affection. The feedback from two visitors, Birgit Kehlmann and Gertrud Bernheim, showed the appreciation of this unique experience. The service ended with the common prayer of the Lord’s Prayer and an invitation from the pastor to praise God with physical and emotional intimacy.

“Erotic worship” may be controversial to many, but it shows that the church can still provide a place for deep human experience and exploration of the complex relationship between spirituality and sensuality. Hopefully, such innovative approaches will help make the church more relevant and accessible to modern congregations.

Source: n-tv

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