Storage boxes & Co: Where should I hide my sex toys?

By Dr. Dorothea Flogger
Estimated reading time: 5 minutes


Quite simple with the right tricks

Sex toys are among our most personal and probably favorite toys. They should only be accessible to us and not fall into the wrong hands. It’s not hard at all to hide sex toys. For this you need only a few ideas and well-disguised storage boxes or boxes. In a cleverly designed organizational system, the erotic toys remain safely undiscovered.

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Hide sex toys with the right ideas

We spend a great time with our fun people. Despite this, or perhaps because of it, lovetoys are part of our absolute privacy. They should be safe from unauthorized viewing. At the same time, we need to be able to access them easily when we feel like it. We have a variety of ways to hide our sex toys without making too much of an effort. Shelves and cabinets make great safe hiding places.

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It is important to integrate our toys into the normal order of a closet or shelf. The more inconspicuous a hiding place is, the safer it is.

Love toys are especially popular hidden in a nightstand or boxes. However, these hiding places are not a secret tip, so you can easily find them here. The closet is also a classic and popular hiding place for our favorite toys. Just like in the nightstand, curious people would probably look here first when they start searching.

In the bathroom, there are several ways to protect his lovetoys from unauthorized views. As long as you live alone, the bathroom is a safe place. Behind or between towels the toys remain hidden. Even safer is the basket with used laundry. No one is likely to search here voluntarily, no matter how great their curiosity. But as soon as several people use a bathroom or are responsible for the laundry, the toys are easy prey.

Storage boxes & Co: Where should I hide my sex toys?

A very popular hiding place is under the bed. However, sex toys do not appear under a bed only when you specifically look for them. They become visible very easily when cleaning or vacuuming there. That’s why a place under the bed is not an ideal place to hide sex toys.

The most unusual hiding places

However, the underside of the bed can be transformed into a virtually invisible hiding place. For this, you stick the toys to the slatted frame with a rope or tape. For this method, the toys must not be too big and heavy.

A very safe, but unusual hiding place is the mattress of the bed. The mattress is slit open for this purpose. The little fun disappear completely in the slot. A sheet over the mattress makes the slit invisible. However, the slit should not be too large, but you slip in even with one arm or foot.
A safe is also ideal, provided that no one else can open it. However, the space here is very limited. Consequently, yet another hiding place is needed if there is a larger number of toys.

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These places are good for hiding the sex toys. However, the effort is great to hide the toys, and to get them out for their use.

The suitable places to hide sex toys

Inconspicuous packaging of cell phones, tablets or speakers are perfect as a neutral storage box. Newspapers, pictures or descriptions placed over the toys make the boxes look even more inconspicuous when you first look inside. Another good hiding place is a home box. It looks harmless from the outside like an old memento. The box is first filled with the sex toys inside. On top of it you put old memories like newspaper clippings and souvenirs. This box looks so inconspicuous and boring that it doesn’t entice you to browse further.

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To turn a closet into a suitable hiding place for sex toys, only one rule is necessary. The interior of the cabinet must look perfectly normal. You place the sex toys so that the inside of the cabinet looks like any other cabinet. In the closet, the sleeves of sweaters or jackets are ideal hiding places. The inside pockets of jackets, blazers or jackets are also very suitable. Larger and longer sex toys become almost invisible under long winter coats and jackets.

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The sex toys also hide well behind a row of stacked sweaters or t-shirts. Smaller fun disappear completely in socks, which you put under a pile of other socks. It is also possible to cleverly place the sex toys on the cabinet. If there are already items on the cabinet, the favorite devices are hidden behind or between them.

If you want to include a shelf, a very deep and high shelf is suitable. Smaller toys are placed behind smaller books. Next to them you put large and thicker books, so that the direct view of the prepared areas is obscured. The upper rows, which are difficult to reach, are ideal for this. Here, too, the shelf must have a normal and ordinary order. It should look like what a shelf just looks like.

The more ordinary and inconspicuous a hiding place is, the safer it is for hiding sex toys.

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