Gynecologist: “Sex keeps you fit – not only the vagina”.

By Dr. Dorothea Flogger
Estimated reading time: 3 minutes
Gynecologist: "Sex keeps you fit - not only the vagina".


Sex keeps fit and increases blood circulation

In an interview with gynecologist Sheila de Luz, a women’s magazine states: Sex can keep you fit! The vagina and the general fitness of the woman.

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Having sex regularly contributes to your health. The blood circulation of the body is promoted, the vagina remains tight and the hormone production runs at full speed. All of this helps women feel fitter and healthier – even at an older age. Because: Not only young people enjoy sex! Women over 40 have particularly good sex, it continues.

Gynecologist:Those who are 40 can enjoy even better sex

Women over 40 benefit from a sex life by being more likely to know what they want – according to de Luz. At this age, you would know what you are into and what you actually want in sex. Self-confidence also increases as age increases. That means sex keeps you fit and gets even better later.

The self-confidence would come mainly from the fact that women no longer have to prove themselves. The hormone balance changes, women feel more balanced. Women over 40 can enjoy even better sex than before and live out their desire confidently and without taboos. Sex keeps you fit – even over 40!

Sex keeps fit and prevents thinning of the vagina

Those who enjoy sex often prevent the vagina from becoming thinner. This also affects the mucous membranes. It is different for people who abstain from sex. Here, it can happen that the mucous membranes and the vagina thin out faster when there is no more sexual activity.

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As a result, sex is no longer fun because it now causes pain. In this way, sexual desire is slowly lost. Women no longer feel comfortable making love to their partner and prefer to avoid it. This makes it all the more important to keep your sex life on track and take care of your vaginal health.

Solo sex is also better than none

As a rule, we have sexual intercourse with our partner. If none is available, masturbation will also help. The same applies here: sex keeps you fit. Some women find masturbation particularly relaxing and do not have to frantically search for a sex partner this way.

Thus, solo sex helps the entire body stay fit, boosts blood circulation and increases well-being.

Testosterone provides a clear head through more driving force

Hormone production changes over the years. At a more mature age, women produce less estrogen and more of the male sex hormone – testosterone. This can help women become more driven, assertive and do something good for themselves.

When it comes to sex, they now know what they want to do without and say no sometimes. This means they can have more sex and do what they really feel like doing. That’s how sex keeps you fit and makes you happy.

Conclusion – sex keeps fit, rejuvenates vagina and body

Many gynecologists are convinced that sex keeps you fit. In general, sex has a positive effect on health, because happiness hormones are released, which contribute to general relaxation. This helps especially people who often feel stressed or suffer from mental problems.

Sex keeps you fit even if there is no partner to experience it with – this is about masturbation, which women use to give themselves pleasure. If you are in a relationship, you should seduce your partner more often to make love, because sex keeps both of you fit.

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