More and more women want intimate surgery

By Dr. Dorothea Flogger
Estimated reading time: 3 minutes
More and more women want intimate surgery
More and more women want intimate surgery
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More and more women want them

Just a few years ago, intimate surgery was one of the rare exceptions. However, for the last 10 years or so, more and more women have wanted to improve the appearance of their genital area through cosmetic surgery. Particularly in demand are reductions of the labia, tightening of the clitoral sheath and narrowing of the vagina (vaginal tightening or vaginal narrowing).

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What triggers the intimate surgery trend?

More and more women want intimate surgeryThe desire for cosmetic surgery in the vaginal area is particularly strong among women between the ages of 18 and 24. This is no surprise, since at this age people are usually sexually active and often do not yet have a steady partner. The desire for intimate surgery is fueled by two circumstances. One of them is fashion. Intimate shaving has been common for decades. However, this also makes supposedly unattractive details in the intimate area visible. In addition, in women’s fashion panties are becoming increasingly skimpy and hardly cover anything.

The other reason is the ubiquity of pornography. Especially female pornstars often have perfect bodies. In the HD videos you can see even the smallest details. Of course, it does not escape the women how their partner is excited about these clips. Because they feel pressured, more and more women want intimate surgery. In addition, more and more people are posting or sharing private nude photos or porn online. Intimate surgery is supposed to help achieve the perfect look.

Does intimate surgery make sense or not?

In the majority of cases there is no need for intimate surgery. The problem, however, lies in convincing the woman in question that surgical correction of her genital area is unnecessary. Many women don’t consider that porn is ultimately about money. Only what pleases the viewers will be bought. For commercial productions, therefore, actresses are chosen who correspond to the ideal of beauty.

If it should not be so right with the one or other lady, one can edit the recordings afterwards. Many women do not know this and want to achieve an appearance through intimate surgery that basically does not correspond to reality at all.

Interestingly, many women wish to have intimate surgery to look like they did before the onset of puberty down below, while men, on the contrary, would rather have a penis that is as large as possible. A lot of money is made from such operations. However, they are not without risk and are usually superfluous.

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