Guide: Hormone-free contraception and safer sex

By Dr. Dorothea Flogger
Estimated reading time: 6 minutes
Guide: Hormone-free contraception and safer sex
Guide: Hormone-free contraception and safer sex


Hormone-free contraception instead of a pharmaceutical bomb

There are many reasons why people choose hormone-free contraceptive methods. Some may have had negative experiences with hormonal contraceptives, while others may simply want to opt for a more natural method. Regardless, there are many effective hormone-free contraceptive methods that can ensure you are protected during sex. In this article we will take a closer look at some of these methods.

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Barrier methods

Barrier methods, such as condoms, diaphragms, and cervical caps, prevent sperm from entering the vagina and causing pregnancy. These methods are also effective in protecting against sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Condoms are one of the most commonly used barrier methods, and there are many different types to try, such as latex, polyurethane and natural condoms.

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It is important to ensure that you use the barrier method correctly to maximize its effectiveness. For example, condoms should be put on properly before the penis enters the vagina, and it is important to make sure there are no holes or tears in the condom. If using a diaphragm or cervical cap, make sure they are placed in the correct location in the vagina before intercourse.

Natural family planning

Natural family planning, also referred to as “NFP,” is based on monitoring the female menstrual cycle to identify fertile days and avoid sexual intercourse during that time. There are several methods of natural family planning, but the most common method is the symptothermal method, which involves monitoring basal body temperature and cervical mucus to determine when ovulation occurs.

Guide: Hormone-free contraception and safer sex

It is important to properly prepare for the use of natural family planning methods, as they require some discipline and attention. One must be willing to keep daily records and spend time in training or consultations to learn the method.

Copper spiral

The copper IUD is one of the most effective hormone-free contraceptive methods that can provide protection against pregnancy for up to ten years. The copper coil is inserted into the uterus and prevents the sperm from fertilizing the egg. One of the biggest advantages of the copper IUD is that it can also be used as an emergency contraception method if used within five days of unprotected intercourse.

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It is important to learn about the possible side effects and risks before inserting the copper IUD. For example, some women may experience increased menstrual bleeding or pain during menstruation. It is also important to note that the copper IUD does not protect against STIs and that it is possible that it may become dislodged and need to be removed.


Persona is a digital contraceptive device based on natural family planning. It measures hormones in urine to identify fertile days and warns the user when to avoid sex to avoid pregnancy. The persona method can be a good alternative to the pill or other hormonal contraceptives because it does not contain hormones.

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It is important to note that Persona does not provide a 100% guarantee of protection against pregnancy and does not protect against STIs. It is also important to take the time to learn the device and use it regularly for the best possible effectiveness.

Temperature method

The temperature method of natural family planning is based on the observation of body temperature to determine ovulation. Body temperature usually increases by about 0.5 degrees Celsius after ovulation, which means that you can determine the fertile period based on these temperature changes. This method requires that you measure and record your body temperature daily.

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It is important to use the temperature method carefully and make sure to pay close attention to body temperature changes to maximize the effectiveness of the method. It is also important to note that this method does not protect against STIs.


Sterilization is a permanent form of contraception available for both men and women. Male sterilization, also known as vasectomy, involves cutting the sperm ducts so that sperm can no longer enter the ejaculate. In women, a barrier is placed in the fallopian tube during surgery to prevent sperm from reaching the egg.

It is important to note that sterilization is a permanent decision and it may not be reversible. It is also important to note that it may not be effective right away and that you should use other birth control methods until it is confirmed that you are infertile.

What to do if the partner disagrees?

It can be difficult if you decide to use a hormone-free method of contraception, but your partner does not support it or disagrees. It is important to communicate honestly and openly with your partner and make sure you understand their concerns. It is also important to discuss alternatives and make a decision together that is acceptable to both partners.

If the partner believes that contraception is solely the woman’s responsibility, it is important to explain to him that it is the responsibility of both partners to ensure safe and healthy sexual practices. It can also be helpful to provide your partner with information about the different contraceptive methods and decide together which method is best for both of you.

It is also important that both partners are able to talk openly about sexual health and contraception to make sure they are always on the same page. When choosing a hormone-free contraceptive method, it can also be helpful to attend training or counseling sessions together to ensure that both partners are well informed and prepared.


There are many effective hormone-free contraceptive methods that can ensure you are protected during sex. Barrier methods such as condoms, diaphragms, and cervical caps are widely available and easily accessible. Natural family planning and devices like Persona and the temperature method require more discipline and preparation, but can be a good option if you prefer hormone-free contraceptive methods. The copper IUD and sterilization are permanent options that provide long-term contraception.

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It is important to take time to understand the different contraceptive methods and realize that there is no perfect method. It’s also important to focus on open and honest communication with your partner to make sure you’re both on the same page and to promote safe and healthy sexual practices.

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